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The full design of Fletcher's Case was made to give the creepy vibes and feelings for players exploring through the islands. I focused hard on giving players the ability to move through the levels without getting lost or tired. As it was a VR game I had to worry about players seen bare areas so I worked on making the viewpoints and aesthetics feel as much full as I could. How I was able to move players through the areas was using lanterns careful placed through each area as the game was set in black and white with dark area. As well giving the ability to pick up the lanterns was very useful and also giving the players entertainment/fun when they tossed them around the areas.


As Fletcher's Case was a VR my level pillars had to be focus on guiding player's to locations, environment setting and movement 


Locations: I had to keep in how to move players through some areas since it was black and white some places are hard to see. As we made the lights pick up and throw able that seem to help move players into main locations from the docks to the lift to the village to the lighthouse.

Environment setting: the setting of level was meant to be creepy and full of mystery as inspiration we used twilight zone to give more creepy feelings during gameplay.

Movement: Using movement as my key pillar I had to worry about how much the player moved during levels and if it was fun to move for long duration. 

Break Down
Level Design

Fletcher's Case

I designed two different small levels the docks and the village levels to reduce engines problems and how much the player moved during gameplay. The dock level shows off much of the feelings and early parts of the story really set the mystery and creepy tones we designed. The village design took some redesigning as I found out during play testing the level was way to big for players to get around easy so i redesign to fit and for the players to move around a lot better without giving them a work out. After reshaping the level I was about to give all the feelings we wanted to achieve during gameplay.

Level Pillars
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